Tuesday, November 18, 2014

   Ok, before we get to carried away with Ephesians Chapter Two; First I'd like us to take a few days and just read and reread verses 8 -10 of chapter two.  Ask yourself what exactly is the author saying?
   Doesn't matter what we may think or feel he is saying; it only matters what he was saying and what he meant.
   This is so important when you study the bible.  It is not about us, it is written for us to understand what God is actually saying through the author in this case the apostle Paul.
   After you have stewed on these three verses then go back and read the whole chapter a few more times.  What is he saying, who is he saying it to and why?   Does it relate to us today? 
   What does it mean to be saved by grace through faith not by works?  How can a person be saved? 
Do you know if you are saved for certain?  Have you had your sins forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross?  Do you have a new life in Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit living in you?  You can and it is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a human.  God loves you, so much that He sent His One and Only Begotten Son, that if you would just believe on Him you could have eternal life and never perish.  John 3:16 loose paraphrase by me.
   We are ALL sinners, due to Adam and Eve's rebellion in the garden of Eden.  All of us, the bible says.  There is nothing you or I can do to save ourselves, nothing.  The gap is so great between a Holy God and sinful men.  So, God in His great love and mercy sent Jesus to fix it so we could have fellowship with God once again.
    Good works can't save us, no matter how hard we try.  Being good can't save us either, nothing can except the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross.
    It is God's grace to us, as we are helpless to save ourselves.  When we believe in the sacrifice God sent and ask Jesus to forgive us of our sin, He does and He will wash us and make us white as snow.  No matter what we have done, he forgives.  Then He sends His wonderful Holy Spirit into our hearts to clean us up and change our lives and give us the power to live for Him.  Its a win-win situation for the person who places their trust in Christ to save them.  Hence we are saved by grace (who's grace)  God's grace and mercy reaching down to sinful man.
Ephesians 2:8  For by grace (God's grace) we are saved through faith; and that not of ourselves;  It is the gift of God. vs. 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast.
No amount of works can save us only the gift God gave us and that gift was Jesus, His One and Only Son.  There is no other way  Acts 4:12. says that "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Then in John 14:6  Jesus said "I am The way The truth and The life, no man cometh unto the father except by me."  The interesting term here is "The,"  meaning Jesus is not "a" way, nor is he "another" way or "one of many" ways, "The" is the definite article meaning Jesus is the ONLY way to come to the father.  There is no other way.
  So, we can see that Jesus is the only way we can be saved.  Through trusting in Him to save us.
The term grace used in Ephesians two, comes from the Greek word "Charis."  It means unmerited favor.  A favor we cannot earn, but is simply bestowed upon us by someone.
   Ok, go check out Ephesians Two it is a wonderful chapter to read and just rich with God's mercy and love for us.  Notice verses one and two also really good ones.  Oh, its all good.  Read and pray while you read and before that God will open up His word to your heart.  Ask Him to help you understand what is written in His word, and as you read it and meditate on it, He will reveal Himself to you.  Let His word begin to change you into His likeness Romans 12:1-2
   I love God's word and you will too.


  1. I am trying to do a little reading each day. I may take a little time to read this, and may read it a couple times, then I will check back in.

  2. Is it Matt 6 that talks about and explains prayer?
